Wednesday, 25 September 2013

When good stitches go bad

Well, I know I said I was going to get on with that big Denyse Schmidt quilt for this week, but wouldn't you know, the scrappy quilting bug has bitten me good and proper.  I finished off that boy's quilt and got stuck into a girlier one straight away - it's too much fun watching all those little squares tuck up neatly against one another!

Isn't it pretty?  So far so good, eh?  Except... look a bit closer...

Yeah.  That stitch.  For some reason, when I came to quilting the rotten thing, my machine decided not to play.  I fiddled around with needle size, tension, thread weight, cleaned out the bobbin case - still no dice.  I had the same issue with the boy's quilt but didn't notice until I was already finished, and none of the skips on that one are too big - look:

There on the yellow flag is about as bad as they get (sorry, that photo is terribly out of focus...)

So the boy quilt can go in the shop, at a discount, and the girlier one is sitting waiting to be unpicked, and for the Sewing Machine engineer to call me back.  Ohhh the frustration!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Positive Procrastination

For about a month now I've been working on a slightly ambitious quilt using fabrics from my most favourite designer ever, Denyse Schmidt.  It's mostly Shelburne Falls with a bit of the reissued Flea Market Fancy range, and some odds and sods from my Fabric Cupboard of Shame.  I had it in my head that I would finish it today and blog it, to make sure I started things off on a high note.

...instead my eye fell on the scrap-quilted top I have also been fiddling with for about a month, and I realised that was a lot closer to finished and REALLY needed backing, quilting and binding so I could draw a line under it.  I dug out a piece of yellow polyester fleece which came from a scrap bin somewhere - goodness knows what I was going to do with it - and realised it was just the right size to back my scrappy top, and I could dispense with batting entirely!  Serendipity.

So here is my scrappy blanket.  It's only wee, just big enough for a cot blanket or to go on a buggy.

Perhaps I should try a properly "bloggy" photo of it:

Oooh, yes.  Now, having used up all those scraps (maybe a metre or so at most) I had clearly cleared a space for more fabric, right?

Just as well, since I ordered the entirety of Denyse Schmidt's new range, Florence, from the Village Haberdashery in their pre-order sale the other day.  Hee hee!  Now where am I going to put it...

Meet me back here next Wednesday and I'll try to have my big exciting Denyse Schmidt quilt finished.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, 15 September 2013


Hello world...